Category Archives: Featured

ONLINE: The play „Shopping and F***ing”

Dear friends, This Thursday, August 04, 2022, from 18:00 BST, we have the pleasure to present you the play „Shopping and F***ing” by the famous British playwright Mark Ravenhill, staged by the young Bulgarian director Dimitar Iliev. It is a play about the loneliness and tragedy of a young man left to his not so easy fate...
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ONLINE: LUNAR Festival of Lights

Dear friends, This Thursday, July 28, 2022, from 18:00 BST, we have the pleasure to present you LUNAR Festival of Lights. It was held for the first time in Sofia over the course of four nights on the occasion of the Day of Europe. It transformed some of the most beautiful buildings in the centre of...
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ONLINE: The “Surva” Festival

Dear friends, This Thursday, July 21, 2022, from 18:00 BST, we have the pleasure to present you the masquerade traditions of the renowned “Surva” Festival, which took place at Sofia’s “Borisova Gradina” Park Theatre. Performers were there to represent the imaginative beauty of folklore and the specific colorful traditions of Pernik and its adjacent villages. The...
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Online: 100th anniversary of birth of Stoyana Mutafova

Dear friends, This Thursday, July 14, 2022, from 18:00 BST, we have the pleasure to present you the Anniversary event at the Satiric Theatre “Aleko Konstantinov”on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of birth of the acctress Stoyana Mutafova, beloved by generations of Bulgarians. On February 2, at the Satiric Theatre in Sofia, anepisode of the series...
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29 and 30 June 2022, 19:00, “Sofia” Gallery PERFORMANCE “ELADA PINYO AND TIME” Starring: Elada Pinyo – Gabriela Hadjikostova The artist – Nikolai Ivanov Director: Gabriela Hadjikostova Composer: Nikolai Ivanov Duration: 70 minutes, no intermission Kerana Angelova’s original text, a magical novel, is a chronicle of an extraordinary destiny. A book that startles...
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29 and 30 June 2022, 19:00, "Sofia" Gallery PERFORMANCE “ELADA PINYO AND TIME” Starring: Elada Pinyo – Gabriela Hadjikostova The artist – Nikolai Ivanov Director: Gabriela Hadjikostova Composer: Nikolai Ivanov Duration: 70 minutes, no intermission Kerana Angelova’s original text, a magical novel, is a chronicle of an extraordinary destiny. A book that startles the person. A magical text that elevates the man above the everyday...
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Concert: Pavel Ralev, classical guitar

Pavel Ralev - Classical Guitar Recital 26th June, 18:30 Sofia Gallery, Bulgarian Cultural Institute, London   Programme: John Dowland J. S. Bach Ant Law Olivier Messiaen Carlo Domeniconi   Pavel Ralev was born in Sofia and received his education with Milena and Valentin Valtchev at the NSMDA “Dobrin Petkov”, Plovdiv. Upon graduation, he went to London to study with Prof. Michael Lewin, David Russell and Fabio...
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Student concert, with participants on flute, piano and cello. Teacher: Desislava Dimitrova

Dear friends, On June 26, 2022, from 11:00 AM, we are pleased to invite you to the Spring Student Concert of the students of the school of Desislava Dimitrova. You will hear wonderful performances of young talents on flute, piano and cello. Dessy is a Bulgarian-born freelance flautist living in London dividing her time between performing, teaching...
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Solemn celebration of 24th May

24.05.2022; 18:00; Halls of the Bulgarian Embassy Dear friends, we cordially invite you to celebrate together one of the most beloved Bulgarian holidays – 24th May, Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture and of Slavic literature! The solemn program is divided into two parts: 18:00 - Solemn celebration with the special...
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“От бесилото към безсмъртието”

Български културен институт Лондон има удоволствието да Ви покани на спектакълa  “От бесилото към безсмъртието”- Стефан Стайчевна, на Театрална Работилница Лондон, на 14 май 2022г., от 19:00 часа, в Галерия "София" на БКИ Лондон....
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Gongfu Tea CupsAmber Beads BraceletsWholesale Yixing Tea CupsWinter Sleeping Bags