Category Archives: Featured

Bulgarian Language Courses

BCI London is delighted to announce that we now offer Bulgarian language courses for beginner, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate learners. You will have the chance to learn our wonderful language from the qualified professional and organiser of this course, Yordanka Velkova. Lessons will be held every Saturday from 2 pm. The duration of the course will be 10...
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Представянето на стихосбирка ” До капилярите на любовта”

Please Note: This event will be in Bulgarian only!  Скъпи приятели, Български културен институт Лондон има удоволствието да ви покани на представянето на стихосбирка " До капилярите на любовта", от Татяна Даскалова. Ако искате да надникнете в едно интересно пътуване през случки и места във Великобритания и България и други географски ширини сте...
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Bulgarian Language Courses

BCI London is delighted to announce that we now offer Bulgarian language courses for beginner, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate learners. You will have the chance to learn our wonderful language from the qualified professional and organiser of this course, Yordanka Velkova. Lessons will be held every Saturday from 2 pm. The duration of the course will be 10...
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Bulgarian Language Courses

BCI London is delighted to announce that we now offer Bulgarian language courses for beginner, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate learners. You will have the chance to learn our wonderful language from the qualified professional and organiser of this course, Yordanka Velkova. Lessons will be held every Saturday from 2 pm. The duration of the course will be 10...
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ОТЛОЖЕНО! Моноспектакъл „Болки на душата“ от Ингмар Бергман

Скъпи приятели, С голямо съжаление, трябва да Ви съобщим, че Моноспектакъл „Болки на душата“ от Ингмар Бергман, на 10.03.2022 г., в Галерия „София”, няма да се състои поради заболяване. Искрено съжаляваме за създалото се неудобство. До нови срещи. С уважение, Екип на БКИ Лондон ------ Please Note: This event will be in Bulgarian only!  Български културен институт Лондон има удоволствието да...
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ОТЛОЖЕНО! Поредица „Памет българска – Не забравяй своя род, история и език!”: Прожекция на документалния филм „Триптих за Димитър Димов” и игралния филм “Тютюн”

Скъпи приятели, С голямо съжаление, трябва да Ви съобщим, че прожекцията поредицата „Памет българска – Не забравяй своя род, история и език!” с филмите “Триптих за Димитър Димов” и “Тютюн”, на 05.03.2022 г., в Галерия „София”, няма да се състои поради заболяване. Искрено съжаляваме за създалото се неудобство. До нови срещи. С уважение, Екип на БКИ Лондон ----------   Please Note: This event...
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Bulgarian Language Courses

BCI London is delighted to announce that we now offer Bulgarian language courses for beginner, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate learners. You will have the chance to learn our wonderful language from the qualified professional and organiser of this course, Yordanka Velkova. Lessons will be held every Saturday from 2 pm. The duration of the course will be 10...
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Solemn celebration of March 3

Dear friends,
BCI London has the honor to invite you on March 3, the National Holiday of Bulgaria, Thursday, 19:00, at the Sofia Gallery.
On March 3, we look back and pay...
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CONCERT of the HPO Ensemble

Dear friends, The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to a classical concert of the HPO Ensemble, which will perform Haydn, Mozart and Weber on February 26, 2022, from 19:00, at the Sofia Gallery of BCI London. HPO Ensemble  Boyan Ivanov - Clarinet Emil Chakalov -...
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Presentation of the book about the pilgrimage of Stefan Stoyanov: “To Santiago de Compostela on all fours”

Please Note: This event will be in Bulgarian only!  Dear friends, Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to the presentation of  "To Santiago de Compostela on Four Legs" - a book about the pilgrimage of Stefan Stoyanov on February 24, 2022, from 19:00, at the Gallery "Sofia" of BCI London . Read more
Gongfu Tea CupsAmber Beads BraceletsWholesale Yixing Tea CupsWinter Sleeping Bags