Category Archives: Featured

Film screening: “Away from the shore”

The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London cordially invites you to the screening of the Bulgarian film “Away from the shore” on the 12 May 2022, at 7:00 PM, at “Sofia” Gallery. Special guests: Kostadin Bonev and Nikolay Ivanov - OM “Away from the shore” Drama; Bulgaria; 2018; 135’ Director: Kostadin Bonev Screenwriters: Nikola Petkov, Evgeny Kuzmanov, Kostadin Bonev Cast: Penko Gospodinov, Stefan...
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In Memory of the Bulgarian author Annie Buxton: Presentation of her final work by her husband Chris Buxton

05.05.2022; 19:00; “Sofia” Gallery Free registration for the event HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London invites you to a celebration of the Bulgarian author Annie Buxton's life and final work, her collection of twenty Bulgarian Magical Tales, followed by commentaries on their origins, and their unique features. The book will be presented by her husband, Christopher...
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ТЕАТЪР: “От бесилото към безсмъртието”

Български културен институт Лондон има удоволствието да Ви представи спектакълa на Театрална Работилница Лондон "От бесилото към безсмъртието"- Стефан Стайчев, на 23 Април 2022г., от 19:30 часа, Main Hall (171 Gladesmore Road, London N15 6TJ, UK)....
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“The PIF Tale – Invisible” – concert in memory of Dimo Stoyanov – founder and vocalist of the group

This Wednesday, 13.04.2022, at 18:00 PM, we have the pleasure of presenting  online "The PIF Tale - Invisible" - concert in memory of Dimo Stoyanov - founder and vocalist of the group. Especially for BCI London, Ivan Velkov – one of the founding members of the band, talks with the others about the love, and remaining...
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Представяне на Николаос Цитиридис телевизионен водещ, сценарист, писател, представяне на книгата му ,,За вафлите и хората”

Please Note: This event will be in Bulgarian only!  Скъпи приятели, Български културен институт Лондон има удоволствието да ви покани на вечер посветена на известния наш телевизионен водещ, сценарист, писател, Николаос Цитиридис. Специално за вас той ще представи книгата си  ,,За вафлите и хората”. Заповядайте на 2 април 2022 г., от 19:00 часа, в Галерия...
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Bulgarian Language Courses

BCI London is delighted to announce that we now offer Bulgarian language courses for beginner, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate learners. You will have the chance to learn our wonderful language from the qualified professional and organiser of this course, Yordanka Velkova. Lessons will be held every Saturday from 2 pm. The duration of the course will be 10...
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Представянето на стихосбирка ” До капилярите на любовта”

Please Note: This event will be in Bulgarian only!  Скъпи приятели, Български културен институт Лондон има удоволствието да ви покани на представянето на стихосбирка " До капилярите на любовта", от Татяна Даскалова. Ако искате да надникнете в едно интересно пътуване през случки и места във Великобритания и България и други географски ширини сте...
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Bulgarian Language Courses

BCI London is delighted to announce that we now offer Bulgarian language courses for beginner, pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper-intermediate learners. You will have the chance to learn our wonderful language from the qualified professional and organiser of this course, Yordanka Velkova. Lessons will be held every Saturday from 2 pm. The duration of the course will be 10...
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Gongfu Tea CupsAmber Beads BraceletsWholesale Yixing Tea CupsWinter Sleeping Bags