Category Archives: Featured

Cinema at home with BCI London: “Forecast”

The team With the participation of: Teodora Duhovnikova, Kreshimir Mikic, Deyan Slavchev - Deo, Julian Vergov, Asen Blatechki, Stefan A. Shterev and Kalina Ivanova. Screenwriter and director: Zornitsa Sofia Cameraman: Krum Rodriguez Editing: Alexander Etimov Producers: Mila Kirova, Zornitsa Sofia, Nikolay Kirov Synopsis A group of friends from Macedonia, Bulgaria and Serbia who decide to go windsurfing on a Turkish island. When...
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Theatrical performance and interview with Bina Haralampieva

Bina Haralampieva is a Bulgarian theater director. She has over 35 years of professional experience as a theater, opera and television director. She has staged over 100 productions on various stages in the country and has 20 years of experience as a director of theater institutions. Haralampieva's productions have been awarded at prestigious theater forums...
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Bulgarian Cultural Institute London organizes events with local artists.

Dear friends, Bulgarian Cultural Institute London organizes events with local artists. We invite everyone - artists, musicians, theatre artists, dance artists, artists performing folk songs and dances, Bulgarian writers working in the UK, artists of applied art, to express their desire to participate in the official email address of BCI London: Read more

Cinema at home with BCI London:”Knight without armor” – a children’s film

Screenplay: Valery Petrov Director: Borislav Sharaliev Cameraman: Atanas Tasev Music: Vasil Kazandjiev Cast: Oleg Kovachev, Apostol Karamitev, Maria Rusalieva, Vihar Stoychev, TsvyatkoNikolov, Tanya Masalitinova, Katya Stoyanova, Slavcho Nikolov and others. Both Don Quixote and D'Artagnan fight against evil, for justice, in defense of the weak ... This is only in novels, in life knights can only be children - with...
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Puppet theatre for kids National Puppet Theatre Burgas

The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to the online broadcast of "Little Muk" from 11:00, "The Cat in Boots" from 13:00, "Tsar Drozdobrad" from 15:00, on June 5, 2021. "Little Muk" from 11:00 Author: W. Hauf Director: Slavcho Malenov Scenography: Vasil Rokomanov Music: Malen Malenov Participants: Alexandra Grancharova, Georgi Minkov, Diyan Rusev, Iroslav Petkov Little Mook is a...
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Online! Exhibition recording “Art in time of a pandemic”- Silvia Georgieva – Sellvida

Dear friends,

This Thursday, 03.06.2021, from 18:00 GMT, we are pleased to present to you the online broadcast Exhibition recording "Art in time of a pandemic”- Silvia Georgieva - Sellvida.

Art in time of a pandemic? Yes! And what else? What else could carry you on the wings of your imagination closer to your...

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PAPHA – Dance Installation

PAPHA – Dance Installation by Dance Space Foundation

(Project partners – Bulgarian culture institutes in London, Berlin and Rome)

Choreography – Boriana Sechanova Stage design - Venelin Shurelov Live streaming – Studio BLEND Ltd Performers - Viktoria Petrova, Tanya Katcarova, Philip Milanov (Ballet Arabesque’s soloists)

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ONLINE! Visit from gallery “Rakursi” and exhibition by Chavdar Gyuzev: “Free-flying heads”

Dear friends, This Sunday, May 23, 2021, from 16:00 GMT, we are pleased to present you an online visit to the gallery "Foreshortenings" and an exhibition of Chavdar Gyuzelev "Free-flying heads" Rakursi Gallery presents the new solo exhibition of the artist Chavdar Gyuzelev, which has an interesting provocative title: "Free-flying heads"...
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Exhibition opening: “Art in time of a pandemic” by Silviya Georgieva-Sellvida

The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is happy to invite you to the opening of the exhibition “Art in time of a pandemic” by Silviya Georgieva-Sellvida, on May 22, 2021, from 18:00. Art in time of a pandemic? Yes! And what else? What else could carry you on the wings of your imagination closer to your own self?  What...
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