Category Archives: Featured

Петър Дънов – мисия между две епохи

25.10.2024; 07:00 PM; "Sofia" Gallery Please note: The event will be in Bulgarian language only! Български Културен Институт Лондон Ви кани на еднa вечер, посветена на 160 години от рождението на Петър Дънов Учителя. Среща - беседа с Галина Герасимова и Виктор Илиев Петър Дънов Учителя е световно признат и известен български философ и духовен водител към когото интересът...
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Златно Отличие за Български културен институт Лондон

Български културен институт Лондон, който бе основен съорганизатор на Форумa “Лондон: Кариера и живот - защо в България?” на Bulgaria Wants You, получи Златно Отличие за принос в популяризирането на Бранда България у дома и по света....
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Форум “Лондон: Кариера и живот – защо в България?”

Форумът “Лондон: Кариера и живот - защо в България?” е едно от най-мащабните събития на Bulgaria Wants You.

Основен съорганизатор на събитието е Български културен институт Лондон.

Заедно, ще те очакваме в Кралското географско дружество на 20 октомври. Събитието е безплатно, достатъчно е да си направиш регистрация тук:

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Bulgarian National Television presents: Documentary about Petar Uvaliev

Thursday, 17/10/2024; 7:00 PM; “Sofia” Gallery Book a seat HERE Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to the screening of the film from the BNT1 documentary series “BNT Presents”: “Bulgaroman and the Muses”. With the special presence of: Mr. Emil Koshlukov, the Director General of the Bulgarian National Television (BNT) and Chairman of the BNT...
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CANCELLED! CONCERT: Victoria Terekiev, Piano

Dear friends,
It is with great regret that we inform you that due to a positive COVID test of the famous Italian pianist of Bulgarian origin Victoria Terekiev, the concert on October 11, 2024, at 7:30 p.m., in the Halls of the Bulgarian Embassy, ​​has been postponed.
Friday, 11/10/2024; 7:30 PM; Halls of the Bulgarian...
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An evening with the director Nikolay Vassilev: Screening of “The Other War” and “Vakluš”

The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to an evening with the director Nikolay Vassilev, on October 5, 2024, at the Sofia Gallery of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London. Come to the screening of the documentary "The Other War" at 5:00 p.m. and the screening of the documentary "Vacluš" at 6:00 p.m. Book...
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Screening of the documentary “My name is Minko” by Vladina Tsekova

Thursday, 26/09/2024; 7:00 PM; “Sofia” Gallery Book a seat HERE Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to the screening of the documentary "My name is Minko", dedicated to Prof. Minko Balkanski. Special guest: the author and director of the film Vladina Tsekova "My name is Minko" Film - a confession about Prof. Minko Balkanski's journey from...
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Charity exhibition

Thursday, 27 June 2024; 6:30 p.m.; “Sofia” Gallery Book HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to a charity exhibition. The event will consist of two parts:
  • Photo exhibition "There is no other" by Diana Pavlova
  • Works made by the extremely talented young Bulgarian students from the National Highschool of Applied Art "Trevnenska...
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CONCERT – PERFORMANCE: “Antarctic Tales”

Wednesday, 22nd May 2024; 07:00 PM; at Ondaatje Theatre, Royal Geographical Society Book your seats HERE Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to the concert-performance "Antarctic Tales", with the participation of the virtuoso of the kavala Theodosii Spassov and the great Bulgarian actress Boyka Velkova. Read more
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