Category Archives: Featured

4th London – Sofia Cinema Showcase: “Petya of my Petya” & “Interview in the Womb of the Whale”

November 13, 2022, 5:30 p.m. in the Ondaatje Theatre, Royal Geographical Society Registration HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to the screening of the Bulgarian feature film "Petya of my Petya", as well as the short film "Interview in the Womb of the Whale", part of the 4th London - Sofia...
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Среща-разговор с Георги Господинов и Анджела Родел в БКИ Лондон

12.11.2022 г.; 11:30 а.m.; Галерия „София” Регистрация ТУК Поради големия зрителски интерес и ограничения брой места в книжарница Hatchards, Piccadilly, Български културен институт Лондон и Георги Господинов организират още едно събитие "Среща-разговор с Георги Господинов и Анджела Родел.  Представяне на книгата "Времеубежище". Само за българската общност".  “Разбиващ жанра роман от идеи.” (The Times) “От комунизма до референдума за Брекзит...
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An Evening with Georgi Gospodinov – at Hatchards, Piccadilly

Book tickets HERE We are thrilled to welcome Georgi Gospodinov and his translator Angela Rodel  in conversation with Rosie Goldsmith. Georgi will be discussing his work and especially his brilliant new novel Time Shelter. A genrebusting novel of ideas. (The Times) From communism to the Brexit referendum and conflict in Europe, this funny yet frightening Bulgarian novel explores...
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Еxhibition “100 years ago with the photographs of Antip Koev Obushtarov”

Registration HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London and Folk Community Centre '"Svetlina - 1861" from the city of Shipka, are pleased to invite you to celebrate together the Day of the National Revival Leaders with the opening of a retrospective photography exhibition and the presentation of the photo album "100 years ago with the photographs...
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Куклен театър “Карлсон, който живее на покрива”

29 и 30 ноември 2022г., от 16:00 часа,в БКИ Лондон Запазете места ТУК Българският Културен Институт в Лондон и Театър "Карлсон" имат удоволствието да ви поканят заедно да се потопим във вълнуващия свят на един необикновен приятел, любим образ на поколения момичета, момчета, майки и татковци, баби и дядовци, които още си пазят по някой бонбон в...
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Куклен театър “Карлсон, който живее на покрива”

29 и 30 ноември 2022г., от 16:00 часа,в БКИ Лондон Запазете места ТУК Българският Културен Институт в Лондон и Театър "Карлсон" имат удоволствието да ви поканят заедно да се потопим във вълнуващия свят на един необикновен приятел, любим образ на поколения момичета, момчета, майки и татковци, баби и дядовци, които още си пазят по някой бонбон в...
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4th London / Sofia Cinema Showcase

Dear friends,
We are pleased to invite you to the 4th London / Sofia Cinema Showcase, organized by BCI London, between 13 - 27 November 2022, at Ondaatje Theatre, Royal Geographical Society. The program of the screening for each day you can see on the link below.
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Exhibition Opening: “The Hidden Inside Me” by Anna-Maria Nikolova

Free registration for the event HERE The debut UK exhibition “The Hidden Inside Me” of Expressionist artist Anna-Maria Nikolova The award-winning 16-year-old Anna-Maria Nikolova debuts her bold and vibrant paintings on October 13th, 2022 from 19:00 in the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London, inspired by love, tragedy and the excitement of Life Opening of the exhibition...
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The book “Brussels, stripped” by Irina Papancheva, presented by Chris Buxton

Free registration for the event HERE 05.10.2022, „Sofia“ Gallery, 7pm The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London has the pleasure to invite you to a presentation of the Bulgarian author Irina Papancheva’s book “Brussels, stripped”. The novel will be presented by Christopher Buxton. In the novel, Irina Papancheva “skilfully and entertainingly strips Brussels, Europe and the world through stripping...
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Register your attendance HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to the opening of the exhibition by Tornado Twins, on September 22, 2022, from 19.00, in the Gallery “Sofia”. A glass of Bulgarian wine will contribute to your mood and unforgettable experience. The exhibition can be seen in the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London...
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Gongfu Tea CupsAmber Beads BraceletsWholesale Yixing Tea CupsWinter Sleeping Bags