Christopher Buxton presents the work of Hristo Slavov – the English translation of the novel “Before the Creation”

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On the Eve of 24th of May, before the visit of the great Georgi Gospodinov, short listed for the international “Booker” prize for his novel “Time shelter” for this year, Bulgarian culture institute London is pleased to present you one new author, just as interesting, who still gaines popularity. You will have the opportunity to enjoy an exceptional literary experience with the English translation of the novel “Before the creation” by Hristo Slavov, translated and presented by the famous English writer and translator of Bulgarian literature Cristopher Buxton on 11th May 2023 at 7:00 pm at “Sofia” gallery.
During the evening, you will again be able to enjoy Bulgarian wine Ivo Varbanov and gourmet canapé.
Hristo Slavov has worked as journalist and editor at different publishing houses, he has been a member of the Union of Bulgarian writers since 1991. He is the author of the books – “Earth gravity”, “In the shadow of the summer”, “Escapes” and of the novel “Before the creation”. ). Hristo Slavov is the compiler and publisher of The Golden key to the Classic Bulgarian literature in 10 volumes including the literature in the period of the 9-th century till the 40-ies of the 20-th century. He has digitalized more than 25 000 pages of the Bulgarian Classic literature, included in the World virtual library of UNESCO.
Cristopher Buxton, in his turn, is a writer and translator from the United Kingdom, who has a relationship with Bulgaria since 1977. He has been promoting the Bulgarian culture for a long time, hence due to his contribution he was awarded with a medal and certificate of honor from the Ministry of culture of Bulgaria. He has translated dozens of Bulgarian books in English. One of them is the novel “Before the creation” by Hristo Slavov.
““Before the Creation” is a startlingly original work. In language and structure it resembles an epic poem – a complex allegory with great attention to detail. Open this book and you will fall between its covers into a turbulent riverbed that will not release you till you have reached the sea and back. The novel seeks to convey the inexorable progress of prehistoric nature as a dramatic struggle between opposing elements. The setting could be anywhere on this earth, or beyond. We could be on the planet Mars before a cosmic cataclysm tore atmosphere and water from its surface.”
Christopher Buxton
Join us to experience one unforgettable literary evening on 11th of May at 7:00 pm at “Sofia” gallery, 188 Queen’s Gate, SW7 5HL, South Kensington, London.
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