Exhibition Opening “Beyond The Copy-Paste”, Architectural Projects by Boyko Kadinov

Boyko Kadinov was born in 1956 in Pazardzhik, Bulgaria.
Study in architecture, Paris – /BEAUX ARTS UP-1/ and Sofia – /University of
Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy – UACEG/.
Lectures in Venice, Brussels, Paris, Toulouse, Genova, Barcelona, etc.
Founder, owner and managing director of Architectural Agency “Kadinovi Bros”.
Professor PhD in Architecture and Chairman of “Public Buildings department at
the Faculty of Architecture of the UACEG, Sofia.
Founder and President of “VIZAR” Foundation, European Awards for Bulgarian
Publications – books: “Ten Architectural Commandments”, “Transgressions in
Architecture”, Architecture and Media
Member of Chamber of Architects in France.
Vice president of Cobaty 11, Geneva
Independent expert of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture
“Mies van der Rohe Award”.
Member of the European Cultural Parliament.