Exhibition opening by Silviya Georgieva-Sellvida
Exhibition – Silviya Georgieva-Sellvida
“TEN” (ten years of creativity)
(23February – 7March 2018)
Paintings, jewelry, cocktail and informal discussion with the author.
February 23, 2018; 7 pm
“Sofia” Gallery
Free registration for the event HERE
A multi-talented and expressive artist, Silviya Georgieva – Sellvida, brings her rich cultural and practical experience to the London art scene.
Silviya was trained and educated in Sofia, Bulgaria where she mastered textile and graphic design at the country’s most prominent art and design universities. An artist himself, Silviya’s father nurtured her artistic side from an early age and raised her in a highly creative and inquisitive environment.
Silviya’s passion lays in making multi-media collages – piecing together memories and extracts of her experiences on a canvas of colours, textures and shapes. Silviya collects mental and visual excerpts that she then puts together in a puzzle that reflects her perception of the world. Silviya views our beloved city London through her positive and curious eyes – the power stations of Battersea, sunset in Fulham, a stranger’s demeanour.
Silviya is equally intrigued by the man-made and the natural – from seascapes to still life settings and Parisian rooftops, her pieces are guaranteed to leave a lasting impression with the viewer.
Sellvida is a sensitive and very conscious artist, reflecting her own experiences and observations as a woman and a mother. She is very conscious of the impact of living in a fast-paced technology world and feels that she is a contemporary representative of the new urban society, again, portraying this in her work.
Over the past few years, her works have been exhibited in a number of galleries, primarily in London. Sellvida’s work is now present across Europe as well as in the US, Canada and Australia.
A multi-faceted creative, Sellvida is always exploring ways for creative self-expression. Alongside a long and fulfilling journey in art and design, she recently launched her own contemporary porcelain jewellery line – MIS LAB_LONDON. Sellvida has an extensive experience in ceramics and is now applying this knowledge to her contemporary line.
Silviya Georgieva is a representative of the young generation of artists, who reflect today’s culture in their art, teaching us valuable lessons in beauty and sensuality with every piece they create.
* Reproduction of one of my artworks can be found at the Luxury Boutique Hotel “Watermark Autograph Collection” which is a part of Marriott Group in Baton Rouge, LA, USA.
The collage titled “BOLERO” fits perfectly in the hotel’s Art Deco interior. My work can be seen in some of the guest rooms and corridors of the Hotel.
* You can see her Art works in August 2017 late Summer ISSUE 4 in Art Maze Magazine, LA Art Maze represented me on page 124 with my art work “BROOKLYN BRIDGE – NYC”. Silviya Georgieva – Sellvida was preselected from curator Cheyanne Sauter director to Art Share LA, USA in international contemporary competition.
Silviya Georgieva – Sellvida
In Dec 2017 – 15th Feb 2018 in “Plein Air Contemporary” group exhibition in Chelsea Framers Gallery, 341 King’s Road, London, UK
In Dec 2017 – until 2019 part of Open Air Art Gallery project in Hammersmith and Fulham, Thames Tideway Tunnel hoardings, Carnwath Road, London
In 14-19th Nov 2017 Part of Autumn SoFAP Group Exhibition at the Fulham Library, London, UK
In Oct 26-30 2017 Part of Chelsea Art Society annual Exhibition at Chelsea Old Town Hall, London, UK
In 2017 Part of “Pintar Rapido” Exhibition at Chelsea Old Town Hall, London, UK
In 2017 Part of Summer SoFAP Group Exhibition in Fulham, London, UK
In 2106 – Part of Art project in United States with Reproductions of my artwork “BOLERO” can be found at the Luxury Boutique Hotel “Watermark Autograph” which is a part of Marriott Group in Baton Rouge, LA, USA.
The collage titled “Bolero” firs perfectly in the hotel’s Art Deco interior. My work can be seen in some of the guests rooms and corridors of the Hotel.
In 2016 Part of Summer & Autumn SoFAP Group Exhibition in Fulham, London, UK
In 2015 Value Art Fairs, group Exhibition, Godalming show, McLaren Capital, Surrey, UK
In 2015 Part of Notting Hill Visual Art, Portobello Group Artist Exhibition, London, UK
In 2015 Part of “Pintar Rapido” Exhibition at Chelsea Old Town Hall, London, UK
2014 Part of Group SoFAP Exhibition for ARTS FESTIVAL IN HAMMERSMITH & FULHAM
In 2014 Part of SOFAP group Exhibition at “Royal Brompton Hospital”, Chelsea, London, UK
In 2013-2014 Part of Portobello Group Exhibition, Notting Hill, London, UK
In 2012-2013 Part of ACE BRIDGE CLUB Group Exhibition, Fulham, London
In 2011 Member of Society of Fulham Artists and Potters (SOFAP)
In 2010 Exhibition “TWO FACES” with another painter Kaia Kalacheva in “DA DA CULTURAL BAR” Sellvida presented Light Collage and more Collage “Tango” in Sofia, Bulgaria.
In 2008 – 2009 Part of second Family Exhibition “Juxtaposition 2″ with Collages and handmade Lamps. At the Art exhibition -Show room” Jessica “- Sofia, Bulgaria
In September 2007 Silviya held a joint exhibition with Petya and Stefan Georgiev motto “Juxtaposition” in “Sofia” Gallery at the Bulgarian Embassy in London, UK .
In 2006 Part of group General Exhibition “Interior design” – Form follows Emotions, National Exhibition Centre in Sofia, Bulgaria
In 2006 Part of the Tenth Jubilee Crafts Fair in city Varna
Theme: “Reflection & Progress” – Installation of resin with combination with collage-lamps of exquisitely painted paper.
In 2004 Part in the National General Exhibition on Painting and Engraving in “Bovijel” gallery in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in National Exhibition of applied arts in “Bovijel” gallery Plovdiv, Bulgaria
In 2005 in the International Design Specialized Exhibition “BALCAN PAC” Sofia, Bulgaria.
In 2003 I was participated in an international Arts Exhibition in the city of Vishegrad, Hungary with resin made installation under the title “Reflection and Development”.