Online! Exhibition recording “Art in time of a pandemic”- Silvia Georgieva – Sellvida

Dear friends,
This Thursday, 03.06.2021, from 18:00 GMT, we are pleased to present to you the online broadcast Exhibition recording “Art in time of a pandemic”- Silvia Georgieva – Sellvida.
Art in time of a pandemic? Yes! And what else? What else could carry you on the wings of your imagination closer to your own self? What else would bring you back to the life of the living, in the light of tomorrow and erase the worries of the day? Yes! Art … it is the invisible thread connecting us to one another. It is the ultimate responsibility of the artist, it is the love of humanity, the pain and the dream … it is a sense and hope.
The author of the shown collages Silviya Georgieva-Sellvida took it on herself to be the question and the answer, the subject and the object to her creative endeavours. In the days of no social contact, fear of the unknown, and loss of support Sellvida takes us over with the depth of her creative expression and with the wealth of metaphors expressed in color and shapes.
Via colorful visualization of the mundane, of the ever so tightening microcosmos, we experience the delicate sensitivity of a woman, a mother and an artist. Her graphics and collages are mirroring a reflection of the painful theme of the day, a reflection of the global anxiety and the accentuated senses of the artist. The main theme, stylized to reflect a life more mundane than we knew, is isolation which unexpectedly turned life around for billions around the world.
In the works “A Quiet Place”, a “A Boy Study”, “Toilette du matin”, “United”, “Fall” and “Secret Garden” Sellvida uses the endless possibilities of expression offered by the mixed collage technique, in particular layering of materials and surfaces with the addition of drawing. This process gives the senses an added pleasure, making the pieces extremely dynamic and powerful.
The gardens of libraries deserted, the coffee shop transported home, any in-person communication non-existent. The home has become the sacred place with every moment having become irreplaceable – the dinner table, a sleeping child, the silence of the morning light. The main actor is now a window, a window looking inward to a private world, a window that each one of us carries within. In times of a crisis it is the power of the soul which leads us towards survival and the internal reflection of each day.
In these past months of unprecedented shift in life and behavior, the artist remained inspired and held herself accountable to move forward, to inspire us all and to herald a message of eternity. With her implacable attention to detail, intelligence and sensibility, Silviya Georgieva presents a cultural reflection of the times and offers a glimpse, a focus into the most important and timeless concepts of one’s life.
Translated by Vili Petrova
Credit for the text Anelya Nedeva
Photos by Peter Croudace and Mada Novac
For more information and full portfolio, please visit the link bellow:
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