Български културен институт Лондон, който бе основен съорганизатор... [more]
Форумът “Лондон: Кариера и живот – защо в... [more]
Thursday, 17/10/2024; 7:00 PM; “Sofia” Gallery Book a... [more]
Dear friends, It is with great regret that... [more]
The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to... [more]
Thursday, 26/09/2024; 7:00 PM; “Sofia” Gallery Book a... [more]
Thursday, 27 June 2024; 6:30 p.m.; “Sofia” Gallery... [more]
Saturday, 25th May 2024; 7:00 PM; Britten Theatre,... [more]
Wednesday, 22nd May 2024; 07:00 PM; at Ondaatje... [more]
If you have already fallen in love with Bulgaria and its culture, or you're just curious and browsing, then this is the place to be! The home of the cultural scene for all things related to Bulgaria, you will find all the information you need on this website. If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please do not hesitate to contact us, or see our FAQs.
The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London aims to promote, support and develop cultural relations between Bulgaria and the UK through various means:
Introduce Bulgarian culture to the UK’s international audience through exhibitions, performances, concerts, film screenings, theatrical productions, recitals, literary evenings, discussions and other events.
Organise a multitude of interesting courses and seminars, as well as Bulgarian traditions and crafts evenings and workshops.
Collaborate with, support and partner with other similar institutions, Anglo-Bulgarian associations and other cultural representatives.
Offer a library and reading room with a wide selection of Bulgarian and foreign literature, albums, films, dictionaries, guides and other materials.
Provide tourist information and materials for all those who wish to visit Bulgaria and experience its exquisite cultural monuments first-hand.
If these aims correspond with your interests and you would like to find out more, come and visit the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London today!
November 30th and December 1st, 2024, 14:00 PM Reserve your seat HERE
The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to the puppet monodrama "Garbage for Plums" by the State Puppet Theatre Burgas.
GARBAGE FOR PLUMSA production with puppets for kids and families based on Bulgarian folklore fairytaleWritten, Directed and Produced by: Petar... Read more
23 ноември 2024 г.,18:30 ч. Българският Културен Институт Лондон има удоволствието да Ви покани на представянето на „Рецитал край каменната маса“ – лиричен триптих от три поколения поети с фамилията Левчев. Книгата съдържа стихотворения от баща, син и внук: Любомир Левчев, Владимир Левчев и Боян Левчев. Актьорите от Народния театър Руси Чанев и Валентин Ганев ще направят едночасов... Read more
Welcome to the official website of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London!
Events on the occasion of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU
“Посоки”, Vue Cinemas – West End, Leicester Square
“Бензин”, Vue Cinemas – West End, Leicester Square
Europe Day – May 9, 2018
Concert in St John's, Smith Square
“Чамкория”, Leicester Square Theatre, West End
TRIOPERAS, Peacock Theatre
The great project of VASKO VASSILEV and PAMELA TAN-NICHOLSON with the support of BCI LONDON and the Bulgarian Embassy
CHRISTO, “Victoria & Albert Museum”, Film Screening
The event is organised with the support of the British-Bulgarian Society.
English/Bulgarian Translation Services
We are able to offer professional translation and interpretation services between Bulgarian and English, including certified translations of official documents. All written translation are provided by sworn translators authorised by the Bulgarian Embassy in London.
For more information or to receive a quotation, please contact Ioanna Peeva at ipeeva@bulgarian-translation-uk.com / +44 (0)7584 901 901 or visit: