Portraits of the spirit, Georgi Bozhilov–Slona (1935-2001)

Exhibition Opening ‘Portraits of the Spirit’ by Georgi Bozhilov -Slona (1935-2001), the exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Biographical note
1935, 13 June
Born in Plovdiv in the family of Maria and Yordan Bozhilov.
Completes Dimitar Blagoev High School in Plovdiv.
Attends the drawing circle of artist Mihail Lyutov.
Continues his studies at the Higher Institute of Art Nikolay Pavlovich (todays National Academy of Art) in the Decorative and Monumental Art programme in the class of Prof. Georgi Bogdanov.
Participates in the First International Biennial of Young Artists in Paris.
From 1960 on
Participates in regional art exhibitions and General Art Exhibitions (GAE). Takes part in all major national exhibitions organized abroad.
Appointed member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (UBA).
Participates in the Youth Biennial in Paris.
First solo exhibition organized by Atanas Krastev in the yard of his house in Plovdiv.
Awarded the title of Honoured Artist.
Decorated with the Order of the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria 2nd Class.
For merit in art and culture in Bulgaria, awarded with the Order of Cyril and Methodious 1st Class.
Awarded the Zahari Zograph Prize for Painting of the Union of Bulgarian Artists.
2001, 30 May
The artist dies as a result of a serious road accident.
Following his death, Georgi Bozhilov-Slona Memorial House was opened in Plovdiv and Georgi Bozhilov-Slona Foundation was set up. Today, the better part of Georgi Bozhilovs heritage is to be found in the National Gallery of Art, Sofia Art Gallery and the art galleries of Sliven, Targovishte, Stara Zagora, Kazanlak, Sozopol, Bourgas, Pleven, etc. His works are owned by collectors in Bulgaria and abroad.