About: BCI London

Vivamus vel sem at sapien interdum pretium. Sed porttitor, odio in blandit ornare, arcu risus pulvinar ante, a gravida augue justo sagittis ante. Sed mattis consectetur metus quis rutrum. Phasellus ultrices nisi a orci dignissim nec rutrum turpis semper.

Recent Posts by BCI London

ТЕАТЪР: “От бесилото към безсмъртието”

Запази място ТУК Български културен институт Лондон има удоволствието да Ви покани на спектакълa  “От бесилото към безсмъртието”- Стефан Стайчевна, на Театрална Работилница Лондон, на 19  Февруари 2023 г. от 18:00, в Галерия “София” на БКИ Лондон, по случай Честването на 150 годишнината от обесването на Васил Левски....
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ПРЕМИЕРА: Куклен моноспектакъл „Бавна Приказка“

Български културен институт Лондон има удоволствието да Ви покани на премиерата на куклената пиеса за деца “Бавна Приказка”, в изпълнение на Николета Стефанова, с автор Магда Борисова и сценична адаптация на Таня Евтимова, на 18.02.2023, от 16:00 часа, в Галерия „София“. Запази места ТУК “Бавна Приказка” проследява приключенията на охлювчето Мууди, което е най-бавното охлювче в цялата...
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Exhibition opening by Snezhana Popova

Reservation HERE 16.02.2023; 7:00 PM; "Sofia" Gallery The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to an Exhibition opening: "Bridge Between Two Worlds" by Snezhana Popova. The paintings will be exhibited at “Sofia” Gallery until 1st of March 2023. Snezhana Popova-Poppy uses photography as her primary tool in her research for unique attractive compositions and settings...
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Concert – recital of viola and piano with the participation of Vanessa Hristova and Lili Petrova

Reservation HERE 09.02.2023; 7:00 PM; "Sofia" Gallery The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to a Concert - recital of viola and piano with the participation of Vanessa Hristova and Lili Petrova. CONCERT PROGRAM Johann Sebastian Bach Suite for Solo Viola No. 5 in C minor BWV 1011 (12’) I. Prelude IV. Sarabande VI. Gigue Dobrinka Tabakova - Suite...
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Film screening of “Bay Ganyo Goes Around Europe”

Book seats HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you on the 28th of January 2023 to Bulgarian cinema with Stefan Danailov on the occasion of his 80th anniversary of his birth, with the following film screenings: 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM "Boris I - The Last Pagan", 1984, Director: Borislav Sharaliev 5:00 PM –...
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Bulgarian cinema with Stefan Danailov on the occasion of his 80th anniversary of his birth: “After the End of the World”

Book seats HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you on the 28th of January 2023 to Bulgarian cinema with Stefan Danailov on the occasion of his 80th anniversary of his birth, with the following film screenings: 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM "Boris I - The Last Pagan", 1984, Director: Borislav Sharaliev 5:00 PM –...
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Bulgarian cinema with Stefan Danailov on the occasion of his 80th anniversary of his birth: “Boris I – The Last Pagan”

Book seats HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you on the 28th of January 2023 to Bulgarian cinema with Stefan Danailov on the occasion of his 80th anniversary of his birth, with the following film screenings: 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM "Boris I - The Last Pagan", 1984, Director: Borislav Sharaliev 5:00 PM –...
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Bulgarian cinema at BCI London: “The Woman of My Life”

Book seats HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to the screening of the Bulgarian feature film "The Woman of My Life" on the 27th of January 2023, at 7:30 PM, at "Sofia" Gallery. "The Woman of My Life" Drama, 2014, 102' Language: Bulgarian, with English subtitles Screenplay: Antony Donchev Director: Antony Donchev Cinematography by : Ivan...
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Christmas Market: Bulgarian wine “Ivo Varbanov” testing and Bulgarian crafts

15.12.2022, 6.30pm, “Sofia Gallery”

Free event registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/christmas-marketbulgarian-wine-ivo-varbanov-testing-and-bulgarian-crafts-tickets-483369550337

Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is pleased to invite you to a Christmas Market, to test and enjoy Bulgarian wine “Ivo Varbanov” and number of bulgarian crafts.

Let’s recreate and feel the spirit of Christmas together!


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