Award-winning Bulgarian author Kapka Kassabova discussing her new book “Anima” with Rosie Goldsmith.

11th March 2025; 06:30 PM; Hatchards Piccadilly
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We are thrilled to present prize-winning author Kapka Kassabova at Hatchards Bookshop for a celebration of Kapka’s spellbinding new book “Anima”, the story of her time with the last moving pastoralists in Europe.
“Anima” is a gripping portrayal of human-animal interdependence, and a plea for a different way of living. As we will hear this evening, Kapka lived with one of the pastoralist communities over the course of a summer, experiencing the intensity, brutality, beauty and isolation of their existence and witnessing the epic, orchestrated activity of transhumance – the seasonal movement of vast herds of sheep, along with shepherds and dogs. As she became attuned to the sacrifices inherent in this work and the rich histories that shaped this Balkan region, she finds herself drawn deeper into the tangled relationships at the heart of the small community.
“Anima” is then an extraordinary portrayal of pastoral life, helping us imagine how we might all begin to heal our broken relationship with the natural world.
We are delighted that Kapka will be in conversation with Rosie Goldsmith, Director of the European Literature Network and founder of The Riveter magazine.
We hope you will be able to join us!