“BRUSH up your Shakespeare!”

Sofia Gallery
Special Preview 11.30 am for 12 Noon
RSVP: fulfilmentagency@gmail.com
Marking the 400th anniversary of the death of the world’s (arguably) greatest playwright, a (probably) provocative brand-new work
a film by Alicia Maksimova
“Was Shakespeare English?”
An enthralling, provocative docu-journey in search of the real William Shakespeare.
Russian-born, British-based director Alicia Maksimova takes the spectator on a fascinating voyage which starts in the Strait of Messina, continues in Venice, Verona and England and returns to Sicily, to a little Aeolian island, keeping the viewers in a state of suspense from the first to the last scene.
97 minutes
in English and Italian, with English subtitles, 2016.