Christmas Story Telling

19:00h Sofia Gallery
186-188 Queen’s Gate, South Kensington, SW7 5HL
THE GOLDEN KEYS: Winter Tales of Hidden Bulgaria
by A Spell In Time
In a magical winter world, two golden keys are forged to unlock the secrets of heaven and earth. Wolves howl and evil spirits prowl but gold shines bright in the darkest of nights.
With a spellbinding mix of storytelling, ritual and evocative music all spiced with traditional Bulgarian blessings, A Spell In Time presents gloriously dark winter tales from the heart of Bulgarian myth and folklore.
A Spell In Time is a unique British-Bulgarian storytelling company that brings Bulgarias wonderful myths and folk tales to UK audiences in English for the very first time.
Performances are in English and are for adults. They are not suitable for children under 10.
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