Златно Отличие за Български културен институт Лондон

London Book Fair 2024

“Time shelter” by Georgi Gospidinov has entered the short list for the international “Booker” prize.

Georgi Gospodinov’s nomination for the “International Booker” and his latest novel “Time Shelter”

ДЖЕРАЛДИН ЧАПЛИН покори Лондон и блестя на специалната гала вечер в рамките на Четвъртия фестивал на българското кино в Лондон, организиран от Български Културен институт

Среща-разговор с Георги Господинов и Анджела Родел в БКИ Лондон

An Evening with Georgi Gospodinov – at Hatchards, Piccadilly

4th London / Sofia Cinema Showcase

BCI London’s 10 Year Anniversary Celebration
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Bulgarian Cultural Institute London has made 10 years since its establishment!

Bulgarian artists Ivaylo Evstatiev and Marieta Stefanova will take part in the prestigious world exhibition Parallax art fair

Bulgarian & English language lessons

Bulgarian Cultural Institute London organizes events with local artists.

The opening of the restored mosaics in the unique Episcopal Basilica of Trimontium-Philippopolis


Bulgarian artist Silvia Georgieva – Selvida was chosen to participate in the competition “Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year”.

Happy New Year!

Проф.Славик Табаков е удостоен със специална международна награда – Почетен Член (Fellow) на Международния Съюз за Физически и Иженерни Науки в Медицината (IUPESM)

Курс по българска и английска литература
Bulgarian artist Silvia Georgieva – Selvida was selected and included in The Washington Post story

Bulgaria celebrates 170 years since the birth of the Patriarch of Bulgarian literature Ivan Vazov

Dear friends,
So, ready to explore Bulgaria’s culture and heritage this summer?
The beautiful nature, mountains, numerous mineral springs, wide beaches and unadulterated hospitality of the locals are some of the assumptions to remain captivated by our fabulous destination – Bulgaria. On its relatively small territory there are many unique cultural and historical landmarks.
In case you have chosen Bulgaria for your holiday this summer, we offer you after the long emotionally saturated days of tours and sightseeing, in the warm summer evenings to relax and enjoy the exceptional talent of Bulgarian artists with the Outdoor Opera. Depending on where you spend your vacation we offer you:
If you are in the capital on July 10 and 12, do not miss the opportunity to see the performance of world-renowned Bulgarian artists from the Sofia National Opera and Ballet in the opera by Giuseppe Verdi “Rigoletto”. The performance will be performed at the Roman Stadium at the Boyana Cinema Center.
If you are on sea holiday in Varna on July 16, watch a concert – the performance of the Varna State Opera “Flamenco Carmen”, with the participation of the stars of the Bucharest Opera – Florentina Soare and Daniel Magdal and the stars of the Varna Opera – Ilina Mihailova and Deyan Vachkov. The performance will be performed at the Varna Summer Theater.
In case you are on sea holiday in Burgas on July 15, do not miss to watch the opera by Giuseppe Berdi “Troubadour”, performed by talented artists from the State Opera – Burgas. The performance will be played at the Burgas Summer Theater and it is part of the program of BURGAS MUSIC HOLIDAYS “EMIL CHAKAROV” 2020.
Inhabited since ancient times, Bulgaria has an extremely rich history, unique traditions, way of life and culture. All nations that lived on the Bulgarian lands – Thracians, Romans, Slavs and Bulgarians, leave their mark on the world cultural and historical heritage. It is no coincidence that the first European civilization was born here. The remains of the Thracian, Hellenic and Roman culture are numerous.
The various local rituals and customs, many of which are typical only for certain regions in the country, are also attractive for tourists. Such are Kukeri. It is certainly an exceptional experience to attend such a custom and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of local holidays and traditions.
Pernik is the centre of the annual folklore Carnival ‘Surva’, inscribed in UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. ‘Surva’ is a traditional expression of masquerade folklore games and customs which brings together and rivals the living bearers of the masquerade ritual – the kukeri and the sourvakari. The participants’ masks and costumes are majestic works of folk art, their game impresses and captivates with its authenticity, while touching this ancient tradition brings health and fertility.
Let’s immerse ourselves together in the atmosphere and magic of masquerade games, watching this film dedicated to the Surva Festival in Pernik.
The Bulgarian Cultural Institute is announcing an assistant position availability
От Вас за Нас:

BCI London with the special support of the British-Bulgarian Society presented the new Bulgarian children’s adventure film “Runaway Smartphone”

България на Leicester Square, в космополитния Лондон, Великобритания

Нова инициатива – БКИ Лондон пътува
Мерсия Макдермот със “Златен век’’ – огърлие и грамота
По случай 24 май – Ден на българската просвета и култура и на славянската писменост, Министерство на културата удостои с най-високото си отличие „Златен век’’ – огърлие и грамота г-жа Мерсия Макдермот за изключителения й принос в популяризирането на българската история и култура. Отличието беше връчено лично от Директора на Българския културен институт в Лондон, г-жа Светла Дионисиева, в качеството й на представител на Министерство на културата и от името на Министъра на културата г-н Боил Банов. По този повод на 10 май 2017 г. българска културна делегация, включваща като представител на пресата журналистът г-н Иван Димитров, посети дома на деветдесет годишната писателка в крайморския град Уординг в Западен Съсекс, Англия. В тържествена реч по връчването, г-жа Дионисиева изразни с топли думи благодарност за книгите й посветени на историята и културата на България, сред които особено място заемат Апостолът на свободата, посветена на Васил Левски; Български народни обичаи, с предмет народни празници, ритуали и вярвания в България; както и първата книга по история на България написана на английски език България 1393-1885. Не беше забравена и над четвъртвековната дейност на г-жа Макдермот като преподавател в Софийската английска гимназия и Софийския университет Св Климент Охридски, спомогнала за сформирането на множество видни личности и блестящи индивиди.
На г-жа Макдермот беше връчена още и почетната титла Доктор хонорис кауза на Софийския университет Св. Климент Охридски. Титла одобрена 2007г. от Академичния съвет, по предложения на Историческия факултет към СУ. Г-жа Светла Дионисиева връчи лично Почетния знак на Софийския университет със синя лента на г-жа Макдермот, от името на Ректора на университета проф. Анастас Герджиков.
Exhibition Opening “Sofia, city at the foot of Vitosha”


Bulgarian traditional dances

Bulgarian Language Courses



English Language Courses

Bulgarian Language Courses

Travels through Georgia and Armenia

Film Screening

The films will be introduced by Critics' Circle Member and BBC Broadcaster Phillip Bergson who will moderate a short discussion with the director Jacky Stoev after the Screening over a glass of fine Bulgarian wine.
Exhibition Opening:Nikolay Yanakiev

Sofia Gallery,7pm Friday,27January,2017 Book your tickets HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London presents an exhibition of paintings by the Bulgarian artist Nikolay Yanakiev. Special guest :Nikolay Yanakiev Nikolay Yanakiev 1954 Born on June 23 in Doupnitza, Bulgaria; 1973 Graduated from the Fine Arts High School in Sofia; 1981 Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts - painting, class of Prof. Svetlin Roussev....
Theatre Performance “We, you and I”


FILM SCREENING , CAMBRIDGE, Director:Eldora Traykova Script:Assen Vladimirov Genre : Documentary Bulgaria/2015/64 min. The Bulgarian village of Dolni Tsibar in northwestern Bulgaria the poorest part of the European Union is known as the Roma Cambridge. This is because its predominantly Roma population enjoys a relatively high level of education. Cambridge is a year in the life of the local...
Christmas Music Special coming in December!

Christmas Storytelling Performance by “A Spell in Time”

Sofia Gallery, 7 pm Theatrical performance"The Bear's Son" Performance only in English language. Director: Monnie Sheehan and Ivor Davies Cast: Monnie Sheehan , Ivor Davies and The London Bulgarian Choir BCI London, for the sixth year running presents A Spell in Time's Christmas show, The Bear's Son, based on old Bulgarian fairytales translated into English. BCI's guests will be the...
Puppet Theatre “Tumba Lumba”, Puppet Theatre Bourgas in Cambridge

Theatre Performance “The Journey to Aphrodite”

Theatre Performance: Mrs. Natural Disaster

Book presentation by Sevdalin Genov and disquisition about children’s writer Margarit Minkov

Sofia Gallery, 7 pm DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES, THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED! Special Guest: Sevdalin Genov The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London presents the book of Sevdalin Genov and disquisition about childrens writer Margarit Minkov. Sevdalin Genov is a Bulgarian poet, writer and gallerist. He graduated Slavic Philology in Sofia...
Exhibition Opening “Senses Thirst”

Gala Evening for the presentation of the TV series “Undercover” at London’s West End

Exhibition Opening and Book Launch “Faraway Songs” by Margy Russeva

Exhibition Opening: Rozalina Burkova

Film Screening: The March of Letters (documentary)

Sofia Gallery, 7 pm BOOK HERE Special Guests: Ralitza Dimitrova - Director Plamen Gerasimov - Director of Photography The March of Letters (documentary) with english subtitles
Trinity Trio Concert

Welcome to the Trinity Trio Concert in a preparation for their China Tour (18th - 25th October 2016) Boyan Ivanov - Clarinet (Bulgaria) Solène Chevalier - Cello (France) Andrea Kmecova - Piano (Slovakia) Bulagarian Embassy's Halls Sunday, 16th October 6:00 p.m. BOOK HERE Programme: E. Elgar Salut dAmour L. van Beethoven - Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano in B flat...
Exhibition Opening: Aglika Gaytanikova

Sofia Gallery, 7 pm BOOK HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London presents an exhibition of paintings by the Bulgarian artist Aglika Gaytanikova. Special Guest: Aglika Gaytanikova ?glika Gaytanikova Born 21.11.1968 in Sofia 1987-graduates High School of fine arts in Sofia 1995-Master degree in Mural painting in the Academy of fine arts, Sofia Works in the field of oil painting, ikons and mural...
Exhibition Opening: Georgi Terziev

The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria awards the “Boris Christoff” golden medal to the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden

Memorandum for Partnership Between the Bulgarian National Library and the British Library

At an official ceremony at the British Library in London a Memorandum of Cooperation between the National Library "St. St. Cyril and Methodius "and the British Library was signed. The memorandum envisages a wide range of activities, including exchange of information on holdings of these institutions, documents related to Bulgarian and British culture and cultural...
Celebrating the 24th May
An Evening with Zdravka Evtimova at Hatchards Piccadilly

Concert & presentation: Off the Beaten Path, Chamber Music Festival

Solo & Piano Four Hands Recital

Exhibition Opening: Color and shape

Presentation of the Bulgarian writer Iana Bоukova and the translator Ekaterina Petrova in conversation with the British writer and translator Christopher Buxton

Presentation of the Bulgarian poetess Silvia Choleva, the translator Ekaterina Petrova, and Nevena Dishlieva-Krysteva, the founder of ICU Publishing, in conversation with the British publisher Susan Curtis

Award-winning Bulgarian author Kapka Kassabova discussing her new book “Anima” with Rosie Goldsmith.

Opening of the Bulgarian Stand at London Book Fair 2025

Presentation of Bulgarian writers Nataliya Deleva, Nadya Radulova, and the translator Ekaterina Petrova in conversation with the British publisher Susan Curtis