
Златно Отличие за Български културен институт Лондон

Български културен институт Лондон, който бе основен съорганизатор на Форумa “Лондон: Кариера и живот - защо в България?” на Bulgaria Wants You, получи Златно Отличие за принос в популяризирането на Бранда България у дома и по света....
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London Book Fair 2024

A new breakthrough for Bulgarian literature, Bulgarian culture!
Thanks to the efforts of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London and the support of the Ministry of Culture, Bulgaria will for the first time, together with world publishing houses, participate with a stand at the London Book Fair 2024.
The London Book Fair is the second...
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We thank the great contemporary awakeners - the scientists Prof. Slavik Tabakov and Dr. Asya Stefanova-Tabakova and their daughter, the composer Dobrinka Tabakova, winner of the British Grammys - the Ivors Awards. Thank you for all you do! Thank you on behalf of Bulgaria! Applause!!! 👏👏👏  ...
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“Time shelter” by Georgi Gospidinov has entered the short list for the international “Booker” prize.

Bulgarian Cultural Institute is incredibly proud to share an incredible news: “Time shelter” by Georgi Gospidinov , translated by Angela Rodel, has entered the short list for the international “Booker” prize. "... An inventive novel with an unexpectedly daring tone to it, but it's also a masterclass in the absurdities of national identity. So relevant today. Part...
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Georgi Gospodinov’s nomination for the “International Booker” and his latest novel “Time Shelter”

We are proud and happy to share with you the exciting news of Georgi Gospodinov's nomination for the "International Booker" and his latest novel "Time Shelter", translated by Angela Rodel. Gospodinov is one of the 13 authors who reach this stage of the prestigious literary award, selected from among 134 submitted applications. Read more

ДЖЕРАЛДИН ЧАПЛИН покори Лондон и блестя на специалната гала вечер в рамките на Четвъртия фестивал на българското кино в Лондон, организиран от Български Културен институт

Заедно с Джесика Удуърт те представиха филмите „Белгийският крал“ и „Босият император“, разговаряха с въодушевената публика и раздаваха автографи 20 ноември ще се запомни като една от най-успешните вечери в календара на ръководения от Светла Дионисиева Български културен институт в Лондон. От самото му създаване преди повече от 10 години киното винаги е имало водещо място сред...
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  The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is delighted to announce: GERALDINE CHAPLIN, That legendary English star and award-winning actress of many celebrated international films - - from DOCTOR ZHIVAGO to NASHVILLE and more recently seen on NETFLIX television screens in Season 3 of “The Crown” (as the scandalous Mrs Wallis Simpson). Read more

Среща-разговор с Георги Господинов и Анджела Родел в БКИ Лондон

12.11.2022 г.; 11:30 а.m.; Галерия „София” Регистрация ТУК Поради големия зрителски интерес и ограничения брой места в книжарница Hatchards, Piccadilly, Български културен институт Лондон и Георги Господинов организират още едно събитие "Среща-разговор с Георги Господинов и Анджела Родел.  Представяне на книгата "Времеубежище". Само за българската общност".  “Разбиващ жанра роман от идеи.” (The Times) “От комунизма до референдума за Брекзит...
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An Evening with Georgi Gospodinov – at Hatchards, Piccadilly

Book tickets HERE We are thrilled to welcome Georgi Gospodinov and his translator Angela Rodel  in conversation with Rosie Goldsmith. Georgi will be discussing his work and especially his brilliant new novel Time Shelter. A genrebusting novel of ideas. (The Times) From communism to the Brexit referendum and conflict in Europe, this funny yet frightening Bulgarian novel explores...
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4th London / Sofia Cinema Showcase

Dear friends,
We are pleased to invite you to the 4th London / Sofia Cinema Showcase, organized by BCI London, between 13 - 27 November 2022, at Ondaatje Theatre, Royal Geographical Society. The program of the screening for each day you can see on the link below.
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Dear friends,
Everyone at the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London sends their heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family on the death of The Queen Elizabeth II. It’s with our deepest gratitude that we...
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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dear friends, Despite COVID-19, the BCI London Team's wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May the light of these holidays bring warmth, faith, trust and strength to your home for a successful, healthy and new year 2022 without COVID-19!...
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Bulgarian artists Ivaylo Evstatiev and Marieta Stefanova will take part in the prestigious world exhibition Parallax art fair

We are pleased to announce that the talented Bulgarian artists Ivaylo Evstatiev and Marieta Stefanova will take part in the prestigious world exhibition Parallax art fair in Kensington Town Hall, London, with the support of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London. Parallax Art Fair is the most prestigious exhibition in the UK for...
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Bulgarian & English language lessons

Dear friends, Bulgarian Cultural Institute London will start conducting lessons in Bulgarian and English language from September 2021. Class duration: 2 school hours. The course will cover both colloquial and business language. For more information and bookings:  ...
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Bulgarian Cultural Institute London organizes events with local artists.

Dear friends, Bulgarian Cultural Institute London organizes events with local artists. We invite everyone - artists, musicians, theatre artists, dance artists, artists performing folk songs and dances, Bulgarian writers working in the UK, artists of applied art, to express their desire to participate in the official email address of BCI London: Read more


Екипът на БКИ Лондон поздравява всички сънародници по случай 143 години от Освобождението на България. Очакваме ви заедно да отбележим Националния празник на България – 3 март, тази вечер, онлайн на нашия YouTube канал и Facebook страница: BCI London, от 18:00 GMT. -------------------------- Happy National Liberation Day, Bulgaria! The BCI London team congratulates all Bulgarians on the occasion of...
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Bulgarian artist Silvia Georgieva – Selvida was chosen to participate in the competition “Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year”.

  Dear friends, We are proud to announce that а painting by the talented young Bulgarian artist Silviya Georgieva - Selvida, whose painting “Quiet place” during the first lockdown was included in a peace in The Washington Post,now we are very happy to announce that she was chosen to participate in the TV...
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Happy New Year!

Dear Friends of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London,   Happy New Year!    We wish this year to be filled with health, success, inspiration and lots of positive emotions! We hope you’ve enjoyed Christmas break in these trying times.  We are going to release a new...
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Проф.Славик Табаков е удостоен със специална международна награда – Почетен Член (Fellow) на Международния Съюз за Физически и Иженерни Науки в Медицината (IUPESM)

Горди сме да ви съобщим, че проф.Славик Табаков е удостоен със специална международна награда – Почетен Член (Fellow) на Международния Съюз за Физически и Иженерни Науки в Медицината (IUPESM). Тази година Международния Съюз за Физически и Иженерни Науки в Медицината (IUPESM), на който проф. Славик Табаков е вицепрезидент, празнува 40 години от основаването си и 20...
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Курс по българска и английска литература

Общи и различни теми, мотиви и стилистика в БЪЛГАРСКАТА И АНГЛИЙСКА ЛИТЕРАТУРА Курсът обхваща най-значимите автори на българската и английска литература, тяхното четене на два езика, интерпретация и сравняване. Участниците могат да проявят творческите си възможности като създадат свои произведения, преведат българска литература на английски език или вдъхновени от класиката да напишат критическо есе за художествените...
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Bulgarian artist Silvia Georgieva – Selvida was selected and included in The Washington Post story

Dear friends, We are proud to announce that а painting by the talented young Bulgarian artist Silvia Georgieva - Selvida, who lives and works in London and has repeatedly visited BCI London, was selected and included in The Washington Post story, which shows the 20 best art works created during the pandemic. More than 650 works...
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Bulgaria celebrates 170 years since the birth of the Patriarch of Bulgarian literature Ivan Vazov

On the 9th of July 2020, Bulgaria celebrates 170 years since the birth of the Patriarch of Bulgarian literature Ivan Vazov. He is one of the most famous Bulgarian poets, novelists and playwrights from the Bulgarian Renaissance and the Post-Liberation (from Ottoman Empire rule) epoch. It is an interesting fact that the novel "Under the Yoke"...
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Dear friends,

So, ready to explore Bulgaria’s culture and heritage this summer?

The beautiful nature, mountains, numerous mineral springs, wide beaches and unadulterated hospitality of the locals are some of the assumptions to remain captivated by our fabulous destination – Bulgaria. On its relatively small territory there are many unique cultural and historical landmarks.

In case you have chosen Bulgaria for your holiday this summer, we offer you after the long emotionally saturated days of tours and sightseeing, in the warm summer evenings to relax and enjoy the exceptional talent of Bulgarian artists with the Outdoor Opera. Depending on where you spend your vacation we offer you:

If you are in the capital on July 10 and 12, do not miss the opportunity to see the performance of world-renowned Bulgarian artists from the Sofia National Opera and Ballet in the opera by Giuseppe Verdi “Rigoletto”. The performance will be performed at the Roman Stadium at the Boyana Cinema Center.

If you are on sea holiday in Varna on July 16, watch a concert – the performance of the Varna State Opera “Flamenco Carmen”, with the participation of the stars of the Bucharest Opera – Florentina Soare and Daniel Magdal and the stars of the Varna Opera – Ilina Mihailova and Deyan Vachkov. The performance will be performed at the Varna Summer Theater.

In case you are on sea holiday in Burgas on July 15, do not miss to watch the opera by Giuseppe Berdi “Troubadour”, performed by talented artists from the State Opera – Burgas. The performance will be played at the Burgas Summer Theater and it is part of the program of BURGAS MUSIC HOLIDAYS “EMIL CHAKAROV” 2020.

Inhabited since ancient times, Bulgaria has an extremely rich history, unique traditions, way of life and culture. All nations that lived on the Bulgarian lands – Thracians, Romans, Slavs and Bulgarians, leave their mark on the world cultural and historical heritage. It is no coincidence that the first European civilization was born here. The remains of the Thracian, Hellenic and Roman culture are numerous.

The various local rituals and customs, many of which are typical only for certain regions in the country, are also attractive for tourists. Such are Kukeri. It is certainly an exceptional experience to attend such a custom and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of local holidays and traditions.

Pernik is the centre of the annual folklore Carnival ‘Surva’, inscribed in UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. ‘Surva’ is a traditional expression of masquerade folklore games and customs which brings together and rivals the living bearers of the masquerade ritual – the kukeri and the sourvakari. The participants’ masks and costumes are majestic works of folk art, their game impresses and captivates with its authenticity, while touching this ancient tradition brings health and fertility.

Let’s immerse ourselves together in the atmosphere and magic of masquerade games, watching this film dedicated to the Surva Festival in Pernik.

The Bulgarian Cultural Institute is announcing an assistant position availability

Person Specification-Assistant  March 01, 2020 No. of positions: Singular Salary: Payment is in accordance with the norms of the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture Working hours: Readiness/Willingness for non-regular working hours associated with BCI events programme Contract: Initial 1 month trial period, with the possibility of permanent appointment either full-time or part-time Start Date:  March 01, 2020 Detailed description: The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London...
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България на Leicester Square, в космополитния Лондон, Великобритания  

На 3-ти и 4-ти март, в чест на Българското Председателство, Български Културен Институт Лондон и Посолството на Република България във Великобритания организираха прожекции на български филми в VUE Cinema - West End, Leicester Square. В любимото кино на големия американски режисьор Стенли Кубрик бяха показани българските филми "Посоки"...
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Нова инициатива – БКИ Лондон пътува

Нова инициатива Българският културен институт започва от 2018 година да изнася продукцията си от Лондон като организира събития в провинцията на Великобритания. Програмата ще включва филми по избор от фонда на БКИ Лондон, литературни срещи, разговори, моноспектакли, джаз и класически концерти и други. За повече информация и при желание БКИ Лондон да гостува и при Вас, моля,...
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Мерсия Макдермот със “Златен век’’ – огърлие и грамота

По случай 24 май – Ден на българската просвета и култура и на славянската писменост, Министерство на културата удостои с най-високото си отличие „Златен век’’ – огърлие и грамота г-жа Мерсия Макдермот за изключителения й принос в популяризирането на българската история и култура. Отличието беше връчено лично от Директора на Българския културен институт в Лондон, г-жа Светла Дионисиева, в качеството й на представител на Министерство на културата и от името на Министъра на културата г-н Боил Банов. По този повод на 10 май 2017 г. българска културна делегация, включваща като представител на пресата журналистът г-н Иван Димитров, посети дома на деветдесет годишната писателка в крайморския град Уординг в Западен Съсекс, Англия. В тържествена реч по връчването, г-жа Дионисиева изразни с топли думи благодарност за книгите й посветени на историята и културата на България, сред които особено място заемат Апостолът на свободата, посветена на Васил Левски; Български народни обичаи, с предмет народни празници, ритуали и вярвания в България; както и първата книга по история на България написана на английски език България 1393-1885. Не беше забравена и над четвъртвековната дейност на г-жа Макдермот като преподавател в Софийската английска гимназия и Софийския университет Св Климент Охридски, спомогнала за сформирането на множество видни личности и блестящи индивиди.

На г-жа Макдермот беше връчена още и почетната титла Доктор хонорис кауза на Софийския университет Св. Климент Охридски. Титла одобрена 2007г. от Академичния съвет, по предложения на Историческия факултет към СУ. Г-жа Светла Дионисиева връчи лично Почетния знак на Софийския университет със синя лента на г-жа Макдермот, от името на Ректора на университета проф. Анастас Герджиков.

Exhibition Opening “Sofia, city at the foot of Vitosha”

Sofia Gallery, 7 pm, Exhibition by the renowned Bulgarian artist MILA MOUSSAKOVA Paintings Book your tickets HERE Mila Moussakova Artist Affiliated to La Maison des Artistes de l’Ile-de-France Associate member of Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France Associate member of Société des Artistes Indépendants, Paris, France Member of Union of Bulgarian Artists iconographic section 1976 Graduated from the School of Applied Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria 1973 Graduated...
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20 April , Thursday , 7 pm, Sofia Gallery     Book your tickets HERE This event is organized by British-Bulgarian Society with the support of BCI London         Presenting the Bulgarian writer Dimana Trankova and her new book The Empty Cave. Dimana Trankova is an archaeologist by education and a journalist by vocation. She is the...
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Bulgarian Emabssy's Halls, Wednesday, 19th April 2017 Film Screening of 'Holiday Makers' (2016) and discussion with a glass of wine Special guests: Ivaylo Penchev (director) and Vassil Banov (actor) 121 min., Bulgaria, 2016, comedy Director: Ivaylo Penchev Cast: Aneta Sotirova, Kitodar Todorov, Stanimir Gamov, Anton Radichev, Philip Avramov, Malin Krastev With English subtitles A small seaside hotel brings together a group of accidental holiday makers...
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Bulgarian Language Courses

Bulgarian Language Courses BCI London is delighted to announce that a Bulgarian language course for beginners will take place in our premises! You will have the chance to learn our wonderful language from the qualified professional and organiser of this course, Yordanka Velkova. Lessons will be held every Saturday from 2.00 for beginners and 3.30 for  intermediate. The...
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31 March, Friday, 6 30 pm, Sofia Gallery Reserve your place HERE This event is organized by BBS with the support of BCI London Christopher Buxton will present his new book of translations of classical Bulgarian poetry Flowers do not Grow Singly and Annie Buxton will present the newly published The European Sultanas of the Ottoman Empire....
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17 March, Friday, Sofia Gallery, 7 pm Polina Gerdjikova is an architect, designer and artist. She has had 20 individual paintings exhibitions in Bulgaria and abroad. Her last exhibitions “THE LIGHT – A METAPHOR OF THE SPIRIT’’, dedicated to the International Year of Light of UNESCO, were shown at the COUNCIL OF EUROPE / Strasbourg, (03.03.2016)...
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Sofia Gallery, 7 o'clock Reserve your place HERE BCI London invites you to the presentation of the first volume of the collection of radio talks “ Five minutes with Petar Uvaliev “ and a conversation with Dr. Ognyan Kovachev. There will be also a film showing of Trial and Error (1962) 76 min, screenplay by Peter Uvaliev aka...
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Bulgarian traditional dances in Bulgarian cultural institute London! Every Sunday 4:30 pm begginers 6:00 pm advanced for more information: WE ARE EXPECTING YOU!...
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English Language Courses

English Language Courses To book your place now, drop us an email on The course starts on Saturday 25th February Beginner levels: at 18:00h Intermediate levels: at 19:30h The courses will take place at the premises of BCI London’s library. The leader of the course will be a qualified teaching professional, Mrs Silvana Armstrong. If you are interested in this remarkable...
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Bulgarian Language Courses

Bulgarian Language Courses BCI London is delighted to announce that a Bulgarian language course for beginners will take place in our premises! You will have the chance to learn our wonderful language from the qualified professional and organiser of this course, Yordanka Velkova. Lessons will be held every Saturday from 2.00 for beginners and 3.30 for  intermediate. The...
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Travels through Georgia and Armenia

24 February ,Friday. 6.30 pm , Sofia Gallery This event is organized by BBS with the support of BCI London Travels through Georgia and Armenia – Chris and Annie Buxton will show many pictures and tell the story of their trip, and their impressions from those rarely visited countries. The audience will learn more about these very...
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Film Screening

Sofia Gallery , 7pm, Wednesday , 22 February , 2017
 Reserve HERE
The films will be introduced by Critics' Circle Member and BBC Broadcaster Phillip Bergson who will moderate a short discussion with the director  Jacky Stoev after the Screening over a glass of fine Bulgarian wine.
Director -...
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Exhibition Opening:Nikolay Yanakiev

Sofia Gallery,7pm Friday,27January,2017 Book your tickets HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London presents an exhibition of paintings by the Bulgarian artist Nikolay Yanakiev. Special guest :Nikolay Yanakiev Nikolay Yanakiev 1954 Born on June 23 in Doupnitza, Bulgaria; 1973 Graduated from the Fine Arts High School in Sofia; 1981 Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts - painting, class of Prof. Svetlin Roussev....

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FILM SCREENING , CAMBRIDGE, Director:Eldora Traykova Script:Assen Vladimirov Genre : Documentary Bulgaria/2015/64 min. The Bulgarian village of Dolni Tsibar in northwestern Bulgaria – the poorest part of the European Union – is known as the ’Roma Cambridge’. This is because its predominantly Roma population enjoys a relatively high level of education. Cambridge is a year in the life of the local...

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Christmas Music Special coming in December!

Bulagarian Embassy’s Halls 7:00 p.m Christmas Music Special coming in December! BCI London brings to you two of the most popular pop and jazz Bulgarian artists - Vassil Petrov "The Bulgarian Frank Sinatra" and the Bulgarian pop diva Kristina Dimitrova! Welcome to a very special evening of Art & Music & Wine, opening with Ivan Tenev's...
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Christmas Storytelling Performance by “A Spell in Time”

Sofia Gallery, 7 pm Theatrical performance"The Bear's Son" Performance only in English language. Director: Monnie Sheehan and Ivor Davies Cast: Monnie Sheehan , Ivor Davies and The London Bulgarian Choir BCI London, for the sixth year running presents A Spell in Time's Christmas show, The Bear's Son, based on old Bulgarian fairytales translated into English. BCI's guests will be the...

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Puppet Theatre “Tumba Lumba”, Puppet Theatre Bourgas in Cambridge

Puppet Theatre "Tumba Lumba",  Puppet Theatre Bourgas in Cambridge Cambridge Director: Christina Arsenova Scene: Emeliyana Andonova-Toteva Cast: Nedelina Roselinova, Dian Rusev, Rumyana Kraleva Georgi Minkov TUMBA-LUMBA is a word-picture of the rhythm and sound of the drum - the elder of the Bulgarian folk percussion instruments. It is a rhythm throbbing with the heart - beat which makes our blood...
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Theatre Performance: Mrs. Natural Disaster

Bulagarian Embassy’s Halls 7:00 p.m PLEASE NOTE: this event is now fully booked! Author: Aldo Nikolai Cast: Stoyanka Mutafova, Iren Krivoshieva, Nikolay Atanasov – Shushi Stoyanka Mutafova is possibly the most loved, cherished and adored Bulgarian theater actress, who has been writing the story of the Bulgarian theater for the last 75 years. She is most well-known for the...
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Book presentation by Sevdalin Genov and disquisition about children’s writer Margarit Minkov

Sofia Gallery, 7 pm DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES, THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED! Special Guest: Sevdalin Genov The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London presents the book of Sevdalin Genov and disquisition about children’s writer Margarit Minkov. Sevdalin Genov is a Bulgarian poet, writer and gallerist. He graduated Slavic Philology in Sofia...

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Exhibition Opening “Senses Thirst”

PLEASE NOTE: DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES, THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED!  Exhibition Opening “Senses Thirst” Friday, November 18, 2016 Painting, sculpture, graphics, watercolor The Nataly Gallery will present its artists to the public at the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London 7 pm, Sofia Gallery...
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Gala Evening for the presentation of the TV series “Undercover” at London’s West End

Vue Cinema West End, 8 pm BOOK YOUR SEATS: HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London organises a Gala Screening of the most successful Bulgarian TV project “Undercover", produced by the Bulgarian National Television The event is part of the London Festival of Bulgarian Culture 2016 programme. "Undercover" will be presented with a Gala Screening in the heart of London's...
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Exhibition Opening: Rozalina Burkova

Exhibition Opening Process of Becoming by Rozalina Burkova Friday, October 21, 2016 6 pm, Sofia Gallery Exhibition Opening with illustrations, moving image and development sketches by the young Bulgarian illustrator Rozalina Burkova. RSVP: HERE...
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Film Screening: The March of Letters (documentary)

Sofia Gallery, 7 pm BOOK HERE Special Guests: Ralitza Dimitrova - Director Plamen Gerasimov - Director of Photography The March of Letters (documentary) with english subtitles

Script: Desislava Naydenova, PhD, Ralitza Dimitrova Director: Ralitza Dimitrova Director of Photography: Plamen Gerasimov Sound: Mariana Valkanova, Alexander Simeonov, Ivan Andreev, Stefan Makedonski, Editing: Marieta Tchoukovska, Ralitza Dimitrova Director of Production: Maya Drazheva Producer: Plamen Gerasimov (B Plus...
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Trinity Trio Concert

Welcome to the Trinity Trio Concert in a preparation for their China Tour (18th - 25th October 2016) Boyan Ivanov - Clarinet (Bulgaria) Solène Chevalier - Cello (France) Andrea Kmecova - Piano (Slovakia) Bulagarian Embassy's Halls Sunday, 16th October 6:00 p.m. BOOK HERE Programme: E. Elgar – Salut d’Amour L. van Beethoven - Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano in B flat...

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Exhibition Opening: Aglika Gaytanikova

Sofia Gallery, 7 pm BOOK HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London presents an exhibition of paintings by the Bulgarian artist Aglika Gaytanikova. Special Guest: Aglika Gaytanikova ?glika Gaytanikova Born 21.11.1968 in Sofia 1987-graduates High School of fine arts in Sofia 1995-Master degree in Mural painting in the Academy of fine arts, Sofia Works in the field of oil painting, ikons and mural...

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Exhibition Opening: Georgi Terziev

Sofia Gallery, 7 pm + followed by a wine reception The Bulgarian Cultural Institute London presents an exhibition with watercolours by Georgi Terziev. More than 50 inspiring works by the Bulgarian artist will be showcased. RSVP: HERE...
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The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria awards the “Boris Christoff” golden medal to the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden

11.03.2015 The Golden Jubilee medal “Boris Christoff”, with which the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria awarded the Royal Opera House, was officially handed to the Chief Executive of the Institution, Mr Alex Beard. The delegation welcomed in the Royal Opera House was led by the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the United...
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Memorandum for Partnership Between the Bulgarian National Library and the British Library

At an official ceremony at the British Library in London a Memorandum of Cooperation between the National Library "St. St. Cyril and Methodius "and the British Library was signed. The memorandum envisages a wide range of activities, including exchange of information on holdings of these institutions, documents related to Bulgarian and British culture and cultural...

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An Evening with Zdravka Evtimova at Hatchards Piccadilly

13.05.2025; 18:30 Hatchards Piccadilly Bookshop Book a seat HERE Join Zdravka Evtimova discussing her new book “The Wolves of Staro Selo” in conversation with translator Yana Ellis and Rosie Goldsmith. The Wolves of Staro Selo In the deprived Bulgarian neighborhood of Staro Selo, crime rules people’s lives. Unemployment, violence, and corruption are common concerns. Dimitar becomes wealthy by running Staro...
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Concert & presentation: Off the Beaten Path, Chamber Music Festival

Book a seat HERE You are cordially invited to a special event, featuring a concert performance and video presentation Off the Beaten Path Chamber Music Festival in Bulgaria hosted by The Bulgarian Cultural Institute, London with the kind support of The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in London H.E. Tihomir Stoytchev, Ambassador Thursday, May 1, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. 186-188 Queen’s Gate London SW7...
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Solo & Piano Four Hands Recital

16.04.2025; 19:00 Britten Theatre, Royal College of Music Book a seat HERE Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is delighted to invite you to the piano concert of Ivo Varbanov and Fiammetta Tarli, husband and wife. A dizzying experience… Husband and wife Ivo Varbanov and Fiammetta Tarli bring sparkle and swing…on…the first outing on their new label.—Stephen Pritchard, The Observer Husband and wife...
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Exhibition Opening: Color and shape

20th of March 2025; 07:00 PM; "Sofia" Gallery Book a seat HERE The Bulgarian Cultural Institute in London is pleased to invite you to the opening of a joint exhibition Color and shape by artists Mihail Lalov, Gergana Lalova and Georgi Milenov. The exhibition Color and shape includes paintings by Mihail Lalov and Gergana Lalova, while Georgi...
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Presentation of the Bulgarian writer Iana Bоukova and the translator Ekaterina Petrova in conversation with the British writer and translator Christopher Buxton

London Book Fair 2025 will take place from 11th to 13th March. We are proud that for the second consecutive year, the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London will provide a stand for Bulgarian authors and publishers at this global book festival in London. To further showcase our literature, the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is organizing a...
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Presentation of the Bulgarian poetess Silvia Choleva, the translator Ekaterina Petrova, and Nevena Dishlieva-Krysteva, the founder of ICU Publishing, in conversation with the British publisher Susan Curtis

London Book Fair 2025 will take place from 11th to 13th March. We are proud that for the second consecutive year, the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London will provide a stand for Bulgarian authors and publishers at this global book festival in London. To further showcase our literature, the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is organizing a...
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Award-winning Bulgarian author Kapka Kassabova discussing her new book “Anima” with Rosie Goldsmith.

11th March 2025; 06:30 PM; Hatchards Piccadilly Book a seat HERE We are thrilled to present prize-winning author Kapka Kassabova at Hatchards Bookshop for a celebration of Kapka’s spellbinding new book “Anima”, the story of her time with the last moving pastoralists in Europe. "Anima" is a gripping portrayal of human-animal interdependence, and a plea for a different...
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Presentation of Bulgarian writers Nataliya Deleva, Nadya Radulova, and the translator Ekaterina Petrova in conversation with the British publisher Susan Curtis

London Book Fair 2025 will take place from 11th to 13th March. We are proud that for the second consecutive year, the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London will provide a stand for Bulgarian authors and publishers at this global book festival in London. To further showcase our literature, the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London is organizing a...
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