Exhibition Opening: Color and shape

20th of March 2025; 07:00 PM; “Sofia” Gallery
Book a seat HERE
The Bulgarian Cultural Institute in London is pleased to invite you to the opening of a joint exhibition Color and shape by artists Mihail Lalov, Gergana Lalova and Georgi Milenov.
The exhibition Color and shape includes paintings by Mihail Lalov and Gergana Lalova, while Georgi Milenov will present sculpture and ceramics. Especially for the exhibition, Mihail Lalov will present some of his new works, called KratunoSpis, which have so far only been presented to the public in Sofia and Burgas.
The artist Mihail Lalov is a Bulgarian painter who has had over 40 solo exhibitions in Bulgaria, Europe and the world. He was born on July 14, 1952 in Sofia and after graduating from the National Art School he continued at the National Academy of Arts in Sofia, where he specialized in scenography. Mihail Lalov has been a guest at the salon of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute London twice, in 2012 and in 2015. Art critic Prof. Chavdar Popov says of him that he has perfected the coloristics of the plastic language. Mihail Lalov says: “Art is a state of mind, an emotion that swirls within you and that you convey through the canvas. I don’t want to be evaluated or compared, I want to work, and the pleasure I feel to reach those who need it.”
Web mihaillalov.com
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Gergana Lalova was born on April 23, 1979 in Sofia. She graduated from the National Art School “Acad. Iliya Petrov”, Sofia, Bulgaria – majoring in Graphics in 1997. In 2002, she graduated from the National Art Academy in Sofia, majoring in Textiles. In 2005, she became the winner of the Young Artist Award of the Ikar Gallery. She has had over 20 solo and group exhibitions in Bulgaria and abroad. Her paintings are charged with strong energy. She boldly combines bright colors and different techniques. She is highly recognizable with her still lifes, close in style to Fauvism. She is also a make-up artist in the Global Films team for shows and television projects, including “Lords of the Air”, “The Magnificent Six”, “The Masked Singer”, “Like Two Drops of Water”, “Full Madhouse”, etc.
Instagram art.gergana.lalova
Web gerganalalova.com
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Georgi Milenov was born in 1984 in Troyan, where he graduated with a degree in Ceramics and then continued in the same specialty at the National Academy of Arts. Since 2007, he has had his own studio in Troyan. He has had a series of solo and group exhibitions in Bulgaria, participated in symposia in Europe, and in 2024 he won a competition for a scholarship in China and worked for two months in the city of Jingdezhen, known as the capital of Chinese ceramics. Georgi Milenov’s artistic ceramics are expressed in a modern vision, in which classical practices are combined with precise technologies and a contemporary creative solution.
WEB georgimilenov.com
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